

Accessibility and mobility in towns and cities are international issues and increasingly so becoming burning issues to solve for town planners as more and more people flock from rural areas to larger towns and cities. Accessibility and mobility can never be solved in...


Unstitching Rex Trueform: The Story of an African Factory A book that follows the story of a Cape Town building that housed a clothing manufacturer, Rex Trueform, received its second prestigious award. Unstitching Rex Trueform: The Story of an African Factory, by Ilze...
New World Heritage sites

New World Heritage sites

The World Heritage Committee recently attributed world heritage status to 29 new sites so that the list of world heritage sites now contains 1121 entries from around the world. The World Heritage Committee consists of representatives of the United Nations Educational,...
African cities of the future

African cities of the future

In May an international conference, the Forum for Sustainable Construction, was hosted by the American University in Cairo. The conference was sponsored by LafargeHolcim, one of the world’s biggest suppliers of cement. According to Graham Wood the conference was...

Development upsets Jamestown

Talle inwoners van Jamestown  het verlede week hulle ontevredenheid met die voorgestelde ontwikkeling van 55 wooneenhede in die Blaauwklippen on Rivierbehuisingskompleks op ‘n vergadering van inwoners en ander belanghebbendes uitgespreek.  Lees meer.