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Spatial Development Frameworks

Making the IDP/SDF explicit in the central area of Stellenbosch. A policy & spatial perspective.

This report summarises and explains the rationale of the SDF as it relates to the central areas of the town and provides a spatial perspective of the intent of the SDF, as the Denis Moss Partnership understands it. Having regard for the fact that the SDF is currently being reviewed, this document may also serve as an informant for decision-making in the municipal public participation process currently underway.

The central area comprises the central business district of Stellenbosch including the historic core, the campus of Stellenbosch University and the Dennesig area of densification that had been identified in the Stellenbosch Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of March 2018.

A key policy of the Stellenbosch SDF is to promote pedestrianisation within the central area that can be defined as a walkable distance of 1km radius measured from a landmark centre point. The figure below illustrates such an area with Die Braak as centre point. The same principle can be applied to the University campus where the central point is Jannie Marais Square. It follows that, having regard for the strategy of the IDP to promote the densification of the Dennesig area (hereafter referred to as the Dennesig IDP Node) the same principle should ideally also apply to this new node.

The above rationale forms the basis of this report, viewed through the lens of the SDF and the need for promoting an integrated, planning, design, assessment and development approach. The maintenance and enhancement of the heritage of the built environment in the central area of Stellenbosch, is the main focus of this report.

Stellenbosch IDP/SDF Discussion Document

Stellenbosch Municipality is in the process of preparing an Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and a Spatial Development Framework (SDF) for the Greater Stellenbosch.

At the request of the executive committee of e’Bosch, this report was prepared by the undersigned in consultation with e’Bosch as a contribution to the public discussions that are taking place during the preparation of the IDP/SDF process and with due regard for the commitments e’Bosch have made in the joint endorsement of the Declaration of Intent between Stellenbosch Municipality and the University of Stellenbosch on 12 July 2012.

At the heart of this commitment is to promote a mutual culture (a way of life), which could be handed down to future generations. e’Bosch views this culture as synonymous with a sustainability culture that arises from a sustainable development process. In democratic South Africa, a culture of the above kind commenced with Mr. Mandela’s release from prison in 1990, that introduced a culture of cooperation and nation building and is consistent with the Bill of Rights of South Africa’s Constitution.
