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Analysis of Urban Growth and Sprawl

Urban growth and sprawl is a pertinent topic for analysis and assessment towards the sustainable development of a city. Environmental impacts of urban growth and extent of urban problems have been growing in complexity and relevance, generating strong imbalances between the city and its hinterland. The need to address this complexity in assessing and monitoring the urban planning and management processes and practices is strongly felt in the recent years.


Causes and Consequences of Urban Growth and Sprawl

This chapter is aimed to list the causes and consequences of urban growth and sprawl. The causes that force growth in urban areas and the causes that are responsible for undesirable pattern or process of urban growth are also essentially important for the analysis of urban growth. The consequences or the impacts of urban growth, whether ill or good, are also necessary to be understood and evaluated towards achieving a sustainable urban growth.


The Curse of Urban Sprawl

How cities grow, and why this has to change.

The total area covered by the world’s cities is set to triple in the next 40 years – eating up farmland and threatening the planet’s sustainability. Ahead of the latest Urban Age conference, Mark Swilling says it is time to stop the sprawl.


Pedestrianised space: How to win over the sceptics

Public space improves the well-being of local citizens, according to The Plaza Perspective. Citizens are better connected, happy and also more prosperous, it argues. But despite some of the world’s foremost cities creating more public space for its citizens – think Times Square in New York or the way in which Copenhagen has re-appropriated streets for pedestrian use only – a lot of people are still opposed to the idea.


Aspire Higher

Do you believe a comfortable house in the suburbs will be to your children’s advantage, with enough space to play and enjoy the outdoors? Not necessarily so, says a new study by the Brookings Institution in the USA. According to Ars Technica it was found that growing up in a high-density city (versus a sprawling metropolis) offers more economic opportunities. When comparing upward mobility in the US to that of Denmark, the researchers found that Americans’ chance of upward mobility is about half than that of their Europeans counterparts.


Want your kids to be better off than you?

Move to a high-density city.

Imagine a high-density city, and you probably think of something like Mega-City One, full of pollution, poverty, and huge, ugly housing projects. But the reality, according to new research in urban studies, is that high-density city plans offer residents more economic opportunities. Especially for people who want to give their children better lives, high-density cities are the most likely to deliver on the American Dream.

