Heritage Forum

Stellenbosch Spatial Development Framework just launched

Mar 12, 2019 | Forum, News

In the past week, Stellenbosch Municipality has published a draft spatial development framework. There is now an opportunity for public comment before the framework is submitted to the Council for final approval in May.

It is too early to comment in detail on the full content of the document. What is good though is that it is both comprehensive and accessible. The proposals and choices are clear. That is good – too often such reports are vague, to avoid conflict and criticism. When divergent views are vaguely reconciled, a proposal loses its internal coherence. This proposal is systematically coherent and clear about the choices for Stellenbosch. It is an important, exciting and even essential reading for anyone interested in the town and the environment.

You can read the draft spatial development framework on the Municipality’s website. We enclose the preamble to the full document.

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