by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | May 6, 2021 | Database Listed buildings Stellenbosch, G: Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation: Newsletters
Article by The earliest deeds for Meerlust are signed by Simon van der Stel and dated 1693. These lands extended much further than the present farm, and there were grazing rights as far afield as Saldanha Bay. The original T-shaped house of plastered...
by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | Apr 29, 2021 | Essays & Opinions, Forum, I: Lectures, Articles and Essays, News
Karoo as Canvas: Assessing the shifts in artistic interpretation and portrayal of the Karoo landscape through a biographical exploration of South African artists inspired by this vast arid interior, including the effects thereof on local identity and activity trends....
by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | Nov 8, 2020 | Forum, H: Tributes, News
The art historians, Mary Cook and Hans Fransen, write that the three most important and influential architects in the Western Cape during the middle of the previous century were Gawie Fagan, Pius Pahl and Revel Fox. All three did important architectural work in...
by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | Aug 19, 2020 | Essays & Opinions, Forum, I: Lectures, Articles and Essays, News
Marilyn Martin, an honorary research associate of the Michaelis School of Fine Art gives her informed opinion on the French government’s plans to restore the spire or flèche of the Notre Dame. Her insight also scaffolds the way in which we can think about heritage in...
by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | May 6, 2010 | H: Tributes
Hannes Meiring, bekende argitek en bewaringsvegter wat in die jare sewentig ‘n landwye beweging gelei het om Kerkplein in Pretoria te bewaar, het vandeesweek onverwags aan huis in Stellenbosch gesterf. Hy was 75 jaar. Die beweging van destyds om Kerkplein te red was...