“Dit was vir ons ‘n groot eer om genooi te wees, om deel te wees van die Argitektuur Biennale in Venisië. Ek wou ons Afrika-stof en eie herkoms op ‘n manier weerspieël – ‘n argitek maak ruimtes, ons eerste idee was om ‘n ruimt uit muisbosskerms te maak soos die Khoisan van ouds – om ‘n kamer vol muisbos te pak en ‘n ruimte uit te hol in die middel daarvan – maar dit sou ‘n logistiese nagmerrie wees, vandaar het die volstruiseiers idee ontwikkel. Vanweë die voëlgriep onder ons volstruise moes ek egter ‘n verskaffer in Europa vind, 300 eiers verpak en versend , die eiers het ook op ‘n stadium vir ‘n week spoorloos verdwyn tussen Duitsland & Italië, maar alles het baie goed uitgewerk. Vir die volgende drie maande gaan die publiek versigtig oor die eiers moet waggel.”
Johann Slee
With this installation Slee & Co. Architects explored the interconnection between intellectual and physical boundaries. The physical ostrich egg represents immense strength and is at the same time symbolical of the absolute preciousness and vulnerability of our earth.
An ostrich egg is the largest of all eggs on earth. The yolk is therefore the largest single living cell. A complete ostrich egg can carry the full weight of a large man, but the moment it is punctured it becomes fragile.
Symbolically an egg represents life: new beginnings, creation, fertility and resurrection. In ancient times the egg symbolized regeneration and immortality. In Russia and Scandinavia eggs were put into tombs to ensure life after death. In Ancient Egypt the winged egg floating above the mummy carries the soul to another birth. The Chinese believed that man sprang from an egg dropped by Tien, a great bird.
Like planet earth, the perfect oval of an egg has no beginning and no end. It represents birth, renewal and life. It is precious and should be guarded.
The expression ‘to walk on eggs’ exists in many languages and conveys almost the same warning in all of those ‘Take care’.
Our Life, this earth is precious, do not trample all over it, tread carefully.
- Afrikaans: “Om op eiers te loop”: to tread very carefully.
- English: “Walk on eggs”: to proceed very cautiously, to be in a precarious position.
- German: “Wie auf eieren gehen”: to step gingerly, to walk carefully.
- Israeli: “ ” : walking heal next to a toe (very slowly & cautiously)
- Sesotho: “E bona mahe, ha e bone leraba”: Literally, it is looking at the eggs, but does not realize the trap. Idiomatically, one is not being thoughtful about consequences of own act.
- French: “Marcher sur des oeufs”: acting with the greatest of caution.
- Swahili: “Lomtfwana nimpatsisa kwelicandza”: you are treating the child like an egg.
- Dutch: “Als op eieren lopen”: Be careful