Heritage Forum

Parking problems solved

Mar 25, 2014 | Forum, News

A clever application on your cell phone can enable you to see where you may find a parking place in the Stellenbosch town centre at a specific moment.

Parking in Stellenbosch has become a wearisome matter for many people searching for parking place.  Also relief when they manage to park legally.  With the website www.parkingviewer.co.za it has now become possible to use your smart phone to see where parking is available in the Stellenbosch town centre in ‘real-time’, which will limit your frustration with parking to the traffic jam you have to negotiate. To date, Stellenbosch is one of only fourteen places in the country where this system is in use (ten of these being on the Peninsula, while residents of three neighborhoods in Johannesburg and Polokwane are also able to use this service). Click here  to see where you may find a legal gap for your car and also see what you will have to pay for it.

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