Planned Focus Group Meetings for the Winelands heritage resources inventory and the related plan for the Stellenbosch Municipal area, are scheduled at central venues for the following areas from Tuesday, 23 August until Wednesday, 31 August 2016.
- Franshhoek & Wemmershoek Area – 23 August 2016;
- Dwars Rivier, Pniel, Kylemore, Lanquedoc & Banhoek Area – 24 August 2016;
- Klapmuts Area – 25 August 2016;
- Bottelary Hills & Devon Valley Area – 26 August 2016;
- Eerste River, Reithby & Jamestown Area – 29 Augsut 2016;
- Stellenbosch, Cloetesville, Idas Valley & Jonkershoek Area – 30 August 2016.
The scheduled focus group meetings will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 PM to accommodate stakeholders who are unable to meet during working hours due work responsibilities.
Click here to read more about the Heritage Inventory of, and management plan for, the tangible resources in the Stellenbosch Municipality.