by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | Nov 8, 2020 | Forum, H: Tributes, News
The art historians, Mary Cook and Hans Fransen, write that the three most important and influential architects in the Western Cape during the middle of the previous century were Gawie Fagan, Pius Pahl and Revel Fox. All three did important architectural work in...
by Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation | May 6, 2010 | H: Tributes
Hannes Meiring, bekende argitek en bewaringsvegter wat in die jare sewentig ‘n landwye beweging gelei het om Kerkplein in Pretoria te bewaar, het vandeesweek onverwags aan huis in Stellenbosch gesterf. Hy was 75 jaar. Die beweging van destyds om Kerkplein te red was...