Cape Winelands Heritage Survey

Stellenbosch Municipality appointed Professor Fabio Todeschini and Liana Jansen to conduct the heritage survey for the Cape Winelands in the Stellenbosch District.

The main features of the project are:

  • The undertaking of all the necessary heritage resources survey fieldwork and the entry of all the appropriate information onto an electronic GIS-database;
  •  The compilation and delivery of an updated electronic heritage resources inventory, inclusive of proposed gradings of significance, open to the municipality and to the public via the existing website of the Stellenbosch Heritage Foundation;
  • The undertaking of all public consultations that are required and that can add value to the project, to be undertaken as a consultant by Sustainable Futures ZA;
  •  The derivation of an assessed monetary value of heritage tourism in the area;
  • Strategic spatial proposals relative to ‘no-go’ development zones and possible development zones, as defined by considerations of heritage resources by the core team;
  • Liaison with the municipality and representatives of the parallel planning project in the rural areas, so that heritage will feature adequately in both projects;
  • The strategic formulation of a heritage resources management plan;
  • The submission to and approval of the heritage inventory and the management plan by Heritage Western Cape;
  • The training of municipal staff so that heritage resources and their implications for development applications and municipal planning may be dealt with effectively into the future.

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